All hats are handcrafted and can be designed in a wide range of shapes, materials and colours, the choice is almost endless.

Normally either Wool felt or Peach Bloom felt (made from rabbit fur). Each felt comes in an unformed "hood" which is then blocked into the desired shape. Most felts are a single colour but patterned or two tone felts are available

There are many different types of straw, either woven or as a braid that is stitched together. Straws come in wide variety of colours and are most usually worn in the summer months.

Sinamay is a natural straw fabric made from abaca fibres. Being a natural fibre it is strong and easily dyeable. It comes in a range of grades based on the tightness of the weave and gives a range of design possibilities

Jinsin is a mix of buntal straw and polyester thread. Buntal is a natural fibre which comes from the stalks of the Buri palm grown in the Philippines. Twisting and sewing the jinsin allows creative head pieces to be made which can then be decorated to produce stunning results

The trilby is known for its short brim and looks great on both women and men. Often associated with Horse racing and musicians such as Frank Sinatra the hat has continued to be a popular choice in head gear.

The Fedora is characterised by a wider brim. There are many variations of a Fedora including asymmetrical brims and crowns and the use of feathers and brightly coloured ribbons as trims.

The Cloche hat is synonymous with the 1920's and, like the Trilby, is undergoing a revival. Cloche's can be decorated in a wide variety of styles and in their heyday the design of the ribbon was used to signify the wearers romantic position, a flamboyant bow for example signified the wearer was single and interested in mingling.
Button Hats

Button Hats are the perfect accompaniment to any outfit for a special occasion. The button can be decorated with a variety of materials and be as flamboyant or as modest as wished for.